Friday, 21 September 2012

Stringing and singing along

Courtesy: Google Images
      There is a guitar lying around in our house. It was there with A for months before the wedding too. A friend of  his left it with him, never to collect it back. I was getting bored. Most days when I am in Bangalore, Ayush is either in office or in college pursuing that never-ending MBA. I generally go to Crossword and read.I was feeling particularly lazy and didn't even want to walk up to the bookstore. So, I was going around the house listlessly. My eyes fell on the guitar.I can learn how to play the guitar!! These days with the internet replacing the teacher, it would be very easy. Why didn't I think of it before? I would have been an expert by now.Ok, maybe not an expert but I could have played a romantic song for A. He would have looked at me in awe and praise me. He definitely would have praised me. He generally appreciates all the little things I do. Even after eight months of marriage, every time I make him a cup of tea, he says 'Mast chai bani hai'. So sweet!! (Kala tika!! I don't want to jinx it).
       So, I picked up the guitar. Cleaned it.Sat in front of the laptop and googled. I found one video, particularly useful. I held the guitar accordingly and tried to imitate what the instructor was doing. The sound that I produced didn't sound the same. But, I was never really great at identifying sounds. The chords were difficult. I had to place three or four fingers on the strings at the same time. Then the realisation hit me that my fingers didn't stretch so much. Not losing heart, I found a song that had only two chords and started strumming it. I could do one chord at a time, but couldn't do them successively. So, it sounded like a bit of music,followed by a long pause. The song was 'Neele Neele ambar par'. Leave alone others, even I couldn't make out that that was the song that I was strumming.
     I got exhausted and started playing randomly. I was just moving my fingers on whatever strings I felt like and whatever position I felt like. The music seemed really good. It was a lot better than my earlier futile attempts. To increase the rockstar effect, I started singing along. To my ears, it felt as if the music was synchronous to the singing. (both are very bad,but they synced well).It was literally music to my ears. I spent the next one hour stringing and singing along all the songs that came to my mind.
    Loving the guitar and am currently spending a lot of time with it. A however doesn't seem to appreciate the fact that the music and singing is in sync. But I insist,it sounds perfect. Not everyone has an ear for good music. 


  1. Waw sound like lot of fun,

    my honey has a guitar and for the last 7years he is singing the same songs for me, but now he has a new fan - our daughter she says "daddy please play guitar for me " and she dances with the tunes ..its so much fun..

    1. Little girls are daddy's staunch supporters :) It is definitely fun to let the music flow without worrying about the right notes.
